Children's books to learn to live

libros infantiles
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Children's books and reading have many advantages and benefits for the little ones in the house. Learn about these children's book recommendations and make every minute of reading a journey for children.

Reading children's books not only improves a child's vocabulary And it helps them understand how to read and write, but it enables them to understand different topics about the world and everyday life.

Something that reading books to children also produces is strengthen the affective bond with a common activity that can involve the whole family. 

And if we talk about children's books ... Did you know that April 2 commemorates the International Children's Book Day?

The date coincides with the birth of the writer Hans Christian Andersen, famous for writing titles like The Ugly Duckling or The Little Mermaid, among many others. So… do we celebrate? 

Check out these book recommendations for boys and girls below with super entertaining stories and lots of learnings. But first check out these advantages of reading to children.

3 advantages of reading children's books

1. Reading to young children prepares them for life

The more you read to and your children read, the more knowledge they absorb. After all, reading with your little children's books gives them skills to get them started reading faster.

Also, they develop reading skills and help them become better readers later on.

2. Reading rhyme books and nursery rhymes is important to develop language skills.

Even if you talk to your children every day, the vocabulary that they will acquire, if not complemented by reading, will be repetitive and limited.

In addition, many of the rhymes and couplets can be sung which will help exercise and strengthen the memory of the little ones.

3. Exposure to reading exercises children's brains and stimulates concentration

Reading children's books to children stimulates their brain activity and can give them that boost they need to support and promote their early reading skills.

It is important to bring them closer to books according to their age, otherwise it is possible that instead of motivating them, the opposite effect will be generated.

By constantly reading to your child every day, he will learn to focus and stay still for longer periods of time, which can help later when he goes to school.

12 Mexican children's books and stories to read with your little ones

1.      The worst lady in the world, Francisco Hinojosa

This classic tops the list for children's books. Entertaining and with many lessons can not be missing in the family environment.

2.      Seven decapitated skeletons, Antonio Malpica

Ideal for teenagers, the protagonist must solve why several children disappear.

3.     The many deaths of Pancho Villa, Elman Trevizo

Ghosts and mysteries, do you dare to solve how Pancho Villa died? Designed for the little ones with tendencies to investigate and be detectives.

4.      The conspiracy of the aunts, Gabriela Aguileta Estrada

A trip to Acapulco, and two horrible aunts Can Natalia carry out her secret plan?

5.      The half moon, Carmen Villoro

Macunde, a super intelligent young lion, explores the hidden side of the Moon, do you accompany him?

6.      The Book of Filth, Julieta Fierro and Juan Tonda

Science, humor and an encyclopedia with hundreds of data (a little gross) but very interesting.

7.      Loba, Verónica Murgía

Adventures and a fantastic world are the challenges that Soledad will face, a very particular protagonist. Get to know her!

8.      Juan can't wait, Monique Zepeda

Economy and savings? Learn how to teach your little ones these concepts through the story of Juan.

9.      The salamander club, Jaime Alfonso Sandoval

Rudolph Green wants to be an explorer. Discover and accompany his fabulous adventures.

10.     The tamer of fears, Guadalupe Alemán Lascurain

Horror stories in the voice of Emilia Grosz, a protagonist with the talent to terrorize.

11.     The color monster, Anna Llenas

Very educational, teach your little ones how they can recognize and differentiate the main emotions.

12.     Guess how much I love you, Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram

Tenderness, love and much sweetness in these stories with endearing illustrations.

Without a doubt, reading allows us to transport ourselves from our own world to another, which encourages the imagination.

Between the pages of a book we can immerse ourselves in the lives of the characters and learn about different cultures.

We can also learn new words and phrases, experience a variety of emotions, and acquire skills and knowledge.

The learning potential of children's stories and books is great.

The effects of reading on child development are vast, and multiple studies have highlighted its benefits. As such, teachers and parents are in an excellent position to ensure that reading is a key part of children's daily routine.

Finally, there is no excuse, on these sites you can find free children's books:

International Digital library for kids. They cannot be downloaded, they only support online reading.

The Libroteca. More than 30 thousand titles available, with just one click.

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